It's time to pass on the Energy Healing torch!
Jill & Jane have retired but Jill's son Alek has stepped up to carry on the healing tradition.
Alek has always had a mind for numbers so it was no surprise when he decided to take up
Alek grew up in an environment of natural, preventive healing and this included all aspects of the body mind and spirit. Although he always had an intuitive gift, he really developed that muscle in his late teens.
He studied under the guidance of several local healers including ...
Jill & Jane have retired but Jill's son Alek has stepped up to carry on the healing tradition.
Alek has always had a mind for numbers so it was no surprise when he decided to take up
Alek grew up in an environment of natural, preventive healing and this included all aspects of the body mind and spirit. Although he always had an intuitive gift, he really developed that muscle in his late teens.
He studied under the guidance of several local healers including ...